Jeff CHen
Jeff CHen
Microbiologist / Undergraduate Student
contact info:
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109
818.354.4345 (lab)
research interests:
Microbiology, Immunology, Planetary science
Curriculum Vitae:
Jefferson Chen [PDF]
Favorite JournalS:
Cell, Nature Medicine
All About Me
Jeff Chen is an undergraduate student at UC Davis studying environmental toxicology with an emphasis in biomedical toxicology. As an Amgen Scholar summer researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, he worked on improving the novel Endospore Viability Assay (EVA), which is an assay that can detect viable bacterial spores in a matter of minutes. In addition to improving the instrumentation for better detection of spores, Jeff also explored application of the Endospore Viability Assay to environmental samples. Such work is vital in the development of the instrumentation and validating the EVA method as a reliable method for detecting viable endospores in environmental samples. Jeff is very interested in studying microbes, particularly the human-microbe relationship. Over the next few years of his undergraduate career, he hopes to be able to continue to explore research in various fields. However, in the distant future, he hopes to settle down and do research in infectious diseases.
B.S. Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis, 2012 (projected)