Oana Ursu


Biologist / Undergraduate Student

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

4800 Oak Grove Dr.

Pasadena, CA 91109
818.354.4345 (lab)


Computational biology, computer science, biology, planetary science

Oana M. Ursu [PDF]

Fencing, music (oldies goldies), playing guitar, volleyball, fluorescence microscopy, Harry Potter

All About Me

Oana Ursu is a biologist currently studying at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts.  She is originally from Romania, and enjoys music, guitar, fencing, and life in general.  She has been working with the Ponce Group at JPL since the summer of 2009 on the viability of life on Mars.


B.A. double major in Biology and Computer Science, Mount Holyoke College, 2012 (projected)