Taran Esplin


Astronomer / Undergraduate Student 

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

4800 Oak Grove Dr.

Pasadena, CA 91109
818.354.4345 (lab)


Apparently Inorganic Chemistry, Astronomy, Phylogenetic Botany, Biology

Taran L. Esplin [PDF]

Hiking, Camping, Reading, The Cosmological Constant, Piano, and Plant Photography

All About Me

Born in Tucson Arizona, but lived for a majority of his life in Oregon, Taran LeRoy Esplin is completing his undergraduate work at Brigham Young University in Utah. He accepted an offer for an internship at JPL working in the Ponce lab for the summer of 2009. Considering that he is majoring in biology with a minor in astronomy, working on lanthanide luminescence for a summer was his idea of a vacation. He works at the BYU Herbarium during the school year. He is interested in pursuing a career in astronomy.


B.S. Integrative Biology (minor in Astronomy), Brigham Young University, 2011 (projected)


Terbium-macrocycle complexes as chemical sensors: Detection of an aspirin metabolite in urine using a salicylurate-specific receptor site.  Esplin, T.L.; Cable, M.L.; Gray, H.B.; Ponce, A. Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49 (10), 4643-4647. [PDF]